Beware of fake websites selling Chigee products
We have recently become aware of fake websites selling counterfeit Chigee products at "bargain prices." These are unauthorized sellers, and their products are counterfeits that do not meet Chigee's quality standards.
To ensure you are purchasing a genuine Chigee product, please shop only on the official website or through an authorized Chigee reseller. Purchasing from these unauthorized sellers puts you at risk of receiving low-quality counterfeits.
If you are unsure which sellers are authorized Chigee resellers, please email for verification before making a purchase.
Chigee takes the authenticity of its products very seriously. We are working to shut down these fraudulent operations, but new ones can frequently appear. Be vigilant of websites offering Chigee products at prices that seem too good to be true.
Protect yourself and your purchases – buy only from or Chigee-authorized sellers to ensure you receive an authentic, high-quality Chigee product backed by our warranty and customer support.